Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New Year and New Stuff

It's been ever so long since I last updated here. I've had a lot going on- right now I'm home with an ick that's going around which may or may not be the flu. With three months of updates, I've broken this down into three separate posts that I will publish over the next couple of days.

I may have mentioned that I was looking for a job a while back, just something to pay the bills, since I haven't been aggressive trying to make money through the studio. Well, I did get a part time job at a cafe. It drained me pretty well, so I wasn't being too active at the studio. I've never really settled into the space with the pretty massive amount of stuff I crammed into it, so it felt like it took a lot of energy just being there.

At the beginning of February, my landlords asked me if I wanted to move into a different space - it suited me much better as far as space, layout and lighting. I jumped on it pretty quickly and made an agreement to move in by the February fifteenth. With the help of a couple of friends, I got everything shifted to the new space in record time.

I agreed with such short notice, that I didn't have time to consider placement, so it turned into a major project to move things into their proper positions. I finally have everything placed pretty well.

I'd like to build some shelves and dividers, but for now I'm trying to focus on making the space usable, so I can get back to work. I really, really need to get back to work. Just a few days after I officially came into possession of the new space, I found out that the cafe I'd been working at was closing down - just terrible, terrible timing for me. I'm looking for a job again, and trying to focus on a couple of paying jobs I have that got back-burnered. I have a few pieces I'd like to develop - non-shoe stuff that can be accessible and comparatively easier to produce.

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