Monday, July 4, 2016


After two (three?) years since I've posted an update - I'm trying a little bit of housekeeping.

Without going into any detail (maybe in time) - my life has been flux. I moved back to Michigan in June of last year to help out my family - it made sense since I was under-employed in Chicago. I've been spending most of my time knitting and working on my bikes when I'm not otherwise engaged. This coming September I'll be riding on the two-day leg of the DALMAC - it's the shortest of all the routes, but I still need to get up to scratch.

I'm getting ready to change my hosting provider. I've basically been paying for decent hosting (without it actually being all that hot) - just to keep my email suffix....
As long as I'm switching things up hosting-wise, I'm going to try and revive this blog - it will likely be mostly pictures - and maybe actually be in a location I'm paying money for (oh how imaginative!).

Here's to renewed beginnings!


1 comment:

LMC said...

Cheers! I look forward to reading.