Monday, May 2, 2011

They Will Be Shoes!

I am working on some shoes for something upcoming (tease!) and I'm working on modding a pair of athletic lasts I've had floating around for a bit. The project is coming up soon enough that the lasts and shoes need to be good first time out, so I'm taking it slow and steady.

The technique for reducing the vertical height of the last uniformly from the bottom of the last uses a flex-shaft, drill bit and a stop-collar:

I've drilled two different depths, so when I rasp down the remaining material, I will have to blend the curves:

A little tool I've had for many years, that has proven to be invaluable to me, is this little miniature spoke shave. I use it to make fine adjustment and smooth out the bottoms of lasts:

I have a great deal of shaping left to do, so I'm expecting to be working on it most of the week between other projects and studying/research:

1 comment:

Acer macrophyllum said...

I'm super fascinated with your craftshumanship in these things--its so rare/undervalued these days. I'm more of a jack of all trades myself.