Tuesday, January 10, 2012

First Update of 2012

Updated - see below!

Oooh... momentous!

Not so exciting really, but I needed to put something up.

So far I've been unable to take the Velo Shoes in for the needed stitching so I can finish them up. I'm crossing my fingers that I'll be doing that this week. The boxes of shoes are making me anxious - they are so close!

In the meantime, I've been prepping some lasts and fitters for non-Velo customers - I have a couple of pretty cool pairs of boots in the pipeline.

I'm also working on some new wallets/card cases and some carry-alls. The carry-alls are still in the planning stage, but I've been using the working wallet prototype for several days - it's pretty nice:

I plan to have this and one or two other wallets available at my Etsy store before the month is over.

I said I didn't want to use my name for my Facebook artists page. I made a decision that sort of solidified that - Facebook doesn't allow renaming pages, so the only option is to scrap it and make it anew. The new page is active! there isn't much on it at the moment, but you should like it! The old one will remain until I catch up with myself - but I will not be posting anything new except reminders to switch over.

Well, anyway, Happy New Year! My 2011 was wonky - here's hoping 2012 is excellent!


1 comment:

Leigh Ann said...

I really like the closure on the card case. I still think Curmudgeon Studio is a good name.