Saturday, January 5, 2013

State Change (not the one I was expecting)

I'm rather under the weather, but I thought I'd throw up a short post since it's been so long.

If you'd asked me three months ago what I was doing, I would have said with great certainty that I was moving to the Boston area. In the run-up to moving out of my apartment, I was offered a position that I was looking forward to that would require staying in Chicago. Well, things didn't shake up, so I had to turn down the offer.

This left me pretty torn - change directions again and keep moving east? Or find a way to stay? I realized that after eighteen years, I'd finally started feeling rather attached to Chicago and my various communities I am part of here.

At this time, all of my studio stuff is in storage/future studio in another state, and it will remain there until I get through cosmetology school and get more settled in a new career.

Wait - what? Yeah, I decided to go back to school for a career change! I've always loved hair and styling (I think it come built in to what ever gene got me using Aqua-Net Ultra Super Hold when I was a wee high schooler). I very nearly pursued trade school way back! Recently a friend started attending and a lightbulb went off in my head - and that was that!

So unofficially, I've retired from my shoemaking and accessories extravaganza - someday the plan is to have a vacation studio so I can keep doing my obsessive designing and making. Until then I am once again a student in a creative field (and looking for work, too!).

Someday, I'll cut you and make you shoes!


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