Thursday, December 8, 2011

Do you Facebook?

I did it. I created a Facebook page for my work and there is now a "Like" button over there on the right hand side of the screen, above the blog description. Among other things, I'll be posting more WIP photos so people can see what I'm working on between blog posts. Go ahead - you know you want to!

In other news, the lasting of the Velo Shoes is going well. Currently, all of the lasts are occupied, so the remaining pairs must be patient.

The lasting that I've been showing off so far have not been cemented to the insole boards yet - if you were my students, I would have called it pre-lasting.

I have started cementing! These are the ones with more uppers waiting in the wings:

This is good!


Leigh Ann said...

That green/brown color combination is pretty. The other posts you've made haven't allowed me to see it.

Kirsten-Erick said...

Was it because the pictures were bad, or they were in the wrong place - they'll probably eventually be on the FB page if they aren't already.