Thursday, April 19, 2012

Velo 2 Update and Facebook

I thought I'd show you some more progress on the new Velo shoes. The uppers are on the last, though not affixed to insoles yet, but now you can see some of the changes I've made to the design:

I've reduced the toe stiffener, but extended the toe facing towards the tip - it takes up some of the work of the stiffener, while adding some visual interest. The small alteration to the last and the pattern has significantly improved the toe - I think that at this point it might ultimately be down to firming up the procedure. I'm using three different types of leathers on this iteration - that may become a critical factor once I have these at the "production" stage.

Facebook stuff:
I've been posting most frequently on the Facebook page. To help with continuity and keep information flowing, it makes the most sense to focus the WIP stuff on Facebook (images mostly), while using this site for finished work and essay type stuff. If you like seeing the random WIP pictures, make sure you follow me on Facebook so you don't miss out!

One last thing (yes, sometimes I act like Columbo) - a reminder that I do take custom orders. Whatever you're looking for - shoot me an e-mail to and we can discuss the possibilities! This is a custom pair of boots that are nearing completion:

Until later!

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