Thursday, March 15, 2012

March-ing forward!

Ha! Sorry, couldn't resist.

I'm keeping busy. Working on some new accessories (really - don't laugh!), continuing some custom commissions... and of course the second trial of the Velo Shoes!

With only a bit of hesitation, I think you can expect to see a couple new additions to my Etsy store next week. It came up this evening, so I though I should mention it - I don't sell my shoes through Etsy - maybe in the future? Anyway it's all small goods and accessories. Someday I'd like to have a second shop to delineate my Velo items from my others. Still just an idea for the time being.

Velo updates:

I received the New iterations of the Velo lasts on Friday, and I finished cleaning them up and making a couple of small changes yesterday. Today I started "felling the masking tape forests" as part of the patterning process. There will be a few small changes to the uppers - a combination of functional and aesthetic considerations.

In addition to the shoes, I'm also prototyping an ankle boot version... we shall see.

I made a trip to Horween to look at some new leather - one of my most popular selections is at it's end. It was purchased several years ago, so it will be very nearly impossible to replace it. I'm really taken with this new one - here is a wallet I made to demonstrate the colors for a Velo customer:

While it's too late to order more sizes, I do have a decent size selection as of now - let me know if you are interested in Velo Version 2 and we can talk sizes.

I've finally gotten new cards using the bike-centric motif I'm using for the Velo project. Just the start of promotional materials I need to put together:

I think there're a few other things, but they can wait. Don't forget to like my Facebook page - I've been adding WIP pictures a little more frequently than the blog posts!

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